
Our Patron is St.Francis Xavier, the great saint apostle of the East. As a planner and organizer of the mission he stands out as a reformer of men and morals. Imbibing his spirit we believe in ensuring the blooming of every aspect of human personality through positive interaction and collective effort.


In the pursuit of excellence and with a motto of “grow and glow, forever more”, our vision at St Xavier's Public School, Chalantapara is to achieve highest standards in education by empowering our students to be self-directed life-long learners who visualise problems and situations from a different perspective, be astounding decision makers and find novel solutions by thinking critically, working in collaboration with others and communicating with an impactful expression; overall leading to responsible, caring, compassionate and contributing citizens working towards the progress, prosperity and peace of the society at large.


  • To focus on each individual student and encourage them to do their best and reach their full potential.
  • To cultivate each student's interest in and enjoyment of a wide range of activities, such as sport, music, art, drama, outdoor pursuits, and community service, while also providing opportunities for them to improve their skills and knowledge in these areas.
  • To be a school where students from all walks of life feel welcome and their social and academic needs are met in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.
  • To assist all students in appreciating the importance of the commitments they make around them, as well as their own studies, not to mention their long-term responsibility to the larger community.
  • To cultivate each student's interest in and enjoyment of a wide range of activities, such as sport, music, art, drama, outdoor pursuits, and community service, while also providing opportunities for them to improve their skills and knowledge in these areas.

Our team

St. Xavier’s School, can boast of a qualified and experienced team of teachers striving for the overall development of their pupils. They live with the children and ensure the atmosphere of love and care. Faith in the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man, is instilled through Human Value classes, prayers, stories and parables drawn from different religions of the world and through the very atmosphere of the school.